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Lifestyle and Wellness on the Road with Lillie Kay

Going from assignment to assignment can make it difficult to keep certain rhythms and feel a sense of consistency. Oftentimes, the first things to go are your health and wellness routines.

We talked to Lillie Kay about how travelers can maintain their health and wellness goals while on the road. Lillie is one of our recruitment specialists, but she is also a certified personal trainer and a meditation teacher with a master’s degree in health promotion.

Lillie Kay, health and wellnessKeep it Simple

The worst exercise you can do is something you don’t enjoy doing. There’s no need to overthink your workouts. Have a go-to workout in your back pocket that you can commit to on hectic days where you may have minimal equipment or time.

This will take the guess work out and make you feel at home in your new location and in your body with the familiar movements. You can find all sorts of equipment free workouts online. Save one that meets your needs and commit to what days and times you can realistically complete it. Put it on your calendar and commit to showing up to your “self-care shifts” for the week.

Find Community

A fun way to explore a new city is finding a fitness community! Ask your coworkers or research online for running groups, walking groups, specialty fitness studios or community classes at local parks. If you can’t find one, you could start your own group with other new travelers. Pencil in these activities on your calendar and explore, make new friends and commit to your fitness.

 Stay Grounded

It is important for your mental and physical health to try to stay grounded, despite the inconsistencies of the travel lifestyle. Here are some ideas for staying grounded and taking a moment to clear your mind as part of your routine:

– Do a 5–10-minute yoga or meditation video

– Do a body scan. Start at the crown of your head and work your way down your body bringing awareness to each body part. As you do this, release tension in that area and notice how you are feeling without judgement. You could even do this during your commute.

– Write down three things you are grateful for, two things you are looking forward to, and one affirmation for the day.

– Put one hand on your heart and one on your stomach. Take a deep breath in for 5 counts and breathe out for 6 counts, feeling the rise and fall of your body with each breath.

– Step outside and acknowledge 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste.

– Simply take a moment to take a deep breath and ask yourself how you feel both mentally and physically.

Exercising on assignmentLillie recommends planning 2 of these activities a day to work on feeling grounded and tuning into your body. On days that you work, this could take place as part of your routine before you go in and then again once you return home from your shift. On your days off, she recommends keeping a similar schedule of doing these grounding activities as part of your routine. They take 5 minutes or less but are momentous towards helping you feel rooted and calm.


When it comes to nutrition, making time on your day off to prepare meals for the week is the easiest way to make healthy foods easily accessible. An easy guideline is to make a couple of proteins, a grain, roasted vegetables and chopped fresh vegetables to mix and match to throw into bowls, salads or whole grain pastas throughout the week.

Egg tin muffins, vegetable filled soups and curries, and baked oatmeal bars are other easy options with ample recipes available online. You could partner up with a travel buddy or coworker and meal prep together to make it more fun. Losing a couple of hours on your day off to prepare for the week will be extremely rewarding when you don’t have to cook or do many dishes on the days that you do work. You could even use that extra energy and time to squeeze in a workout.

Check into local healthy meal prep services. Many cities have local meal prep services. These are a fun way to try something local while making healthier decisions. You will spend less money than you would on take out.

To work with Lillie or another one of our incredible recruiters, email us at

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