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Staffing Referrals LinkedIn Live with Tori Babb


Recently, Tori Babb, the National Sales Director of Travel Nurses, Inc., joined Staffing Referrals on LinkedIn Live to shed light on her company’s success story. Travel Nurses, Inc. is a leading staffing agency that specializes in providing healthcare personnel to hospitals across the country. Tori started with a brief background on her company, including its history, growth, integration of new technology, and a glimpse into the past, present, and future of the industry.

Travel Nurses, Inc. has quickly risen to the top of the industry by prioritizing the well-being of its employees and offering exceptional customer service. The company also prides itself on its culture of inclusion and diversity, which has been recognized with numerous awards over the years.

During the interview, Tori discussed Travel Nurses, Inc.’s partnership with Staffing Referrals, a referral software designed for staffing agencies. Staffing Referrals has enhanced Travel Nurses, Inc.’s recruitment process by enabling its ambassadors to refer potential candidates through a personalized dashboard. With its advanced tracking capabilities, Staffing Referrals has become an essential tool for Travel Nurses, Inc. to make its talent pool a competitive advantage.

Staffing Referrals is a highly acclaimed referral management platform that enables staffing agencies to leverage their talent pool effectively. It was founded in 2017 and is known for its exceptional staffing software that enhances the candidate experience, reduces agency reliance on job boards, and eliminates administrative workload. Staffing Referrals is seamlessly integrated with popular applicant tracking systems, making the recruitment process more efficient and manageable. Tori, a staffing expert, has emphasized the importance of partnering with Staffing Referrals to streamline the recruitment process and attract top talent.

Tori also shared that Travel Nurses, Inc. and Staffing Referrals have formed a partnership to revolutionize the recruitment process. Their joint efforts have significantly improved healthcare staffing, making it more streamlined and effective. It is hopeful that similar collaborations will be established in the future to create a more competitive and efficient staffing industry.

About the Author

Travel Nurses, Inc. is a leading travel nurse staffing agency providing nurses with opportunities to find work across the country. Established by nurses for nurses, TNI has been in business since 1988 and has over 30 years of experience.

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